Janet Njelesani


Dr. Njelesani is an Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy at NYU.

She leads NYU’s Disability-based Violence Prevention Lab, is Director of NYU's Arts & Humanities Collective, and is the Associate Editor of OTJR: Occupational Science Section.

Dr. Njelesani's scholarship focuses on increasing inclusion and equity for persons with disabilities. Her work is funded by federal grants (NEH), foundations (AOTF research award) and international organizations (UNICEF). She was the first occupational therapy scholar to receive the National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship . For her contributions to global occupational therapy research, she received AOTA's Roster of Fellows and International Service Awards.

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PhD Students

Dr. Njelesani is actively recruiting PhD students. If you are interested in her ongoing projects, please contact her directly.

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